2 May 2012

Ginger Sponge & Sticky Toffee Pudding Recipe"s

Ginger Sponge with Caramel sauce & Vanilla Ice cream

8oz                              Soft Butter                                                                              
2 cups                         Dark Brown Sugar
2 cups                         Black treacle
Put in a mixer and cream together
2                                  Eggs
Slowly add to the above
5 cups                          Soft Flour
8tsp                              Ground ginger
4tsp                              Cinnamon
4tblsp                           Baking Powder
4 tsp                             Baking Soda
Put all the dry ingredients together, and then add to the above.
3 cups                           Boiling Water


Slowly add to the above. Make sure the mix is all mixed evenly
Pipe mix in to Large Muffin moulds and cook at 180°c for 20-25 mins. When cooked allow to cool.

Place sponge in to bowl and microwave with a little Caramel sauce on top for 30 -45 seconds. Then in a pan Heat the Caramel sauce and pour over Sponge. Serve with hot Caramel Sauce and Vanilla Ice Cream. Will freeze well if you make a few.

Sticky Toffee Pudding Sponge

Date base

3kg stone less dates
3ltr water

Boil together until the water had been absorbed.
Liquidise and cool.


1350g date base
350g butter
1.1kg soft dark sugar
11 eggs
650g soft flour
650g strong flour
25g baking powder
10g bicarbonate of soda

Cream the butter and sugar
Add the eggs slowly
Add the flours, baking powder, and bicarbonate of soda and mix well.
Add the date base and mix lightly
Pipe into greased foil cups and bake at 180°C

Place sponge in to bowl and microwave with a little Caramel sauce on top for 30 -45 seconds. Then in a pan Heat the Caramel sauce and pour over Sponge. Serve with hot Caramel Sauce and Vanilla Ice Cream. Will freeze well if you make a few.

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