14 Apr 2012

New Crab Dish as there is some beautiful Devon Crab around

Fresh Handpicked Crab Meat with Beetroot Carpaccio, Apple Jelly and Tempura fried Prawns
Serves 4

1lb            Fresh white Crab Meat
20g           fresh chopped chives
1                                               fresh beetroot (for carpaccio)
2tbsp       Mayonnaise
8               Tiger Prawns
                 Mixed Salad Leaves
                 Salt and Pepper

Take the white Crab meat and pick through it to make sure there is no shell in it. Mix the Mayonnaise, chopped chives in and season to taste. Place in fridge till ready to use.

Wrap the fresh beetroot, with a little salt in tin foil and cook in in the oven at 170c for 1 hour. Once cooked, take out of oven and allow to cool. When cool, peel off the skin, slice very thinly and using a 4cm cutter, cut rounds from the slices and place in fridge till ready to use.

4                Granny Smiths Apples (or 200ml good quality apple juice)
2                Leaves Gelatine
1tsp          Lemon Juice
                  Salt & Pepper

METHODCore the apples and extract the juice in a juicer. Squeeze the lemon juice into the extracted juice. Soak the gelatin in ice cold water for 5 minutes. Warm 5 tablespoons  of the apple juice, take the gelatine and squeeze out any excess water then add gelatine to apple juice and allow to dissolve, add the warm juice to the remaining juice and pass through a strainer. Place in to a container and allow to set in fridge for at least two hours.

200g        Plain Flour
1tbsp       Baking Powder
100g        Corn flour
200ml      Sparkling water
                  Salt & Pepper to taste

Mix all the ingredients together and whisk until  smooth.

On each of the 4 plates place the beetroot rounds in the centre to form a flower pattern. Take a 6cm mould ring and place the crab mixture about half-way up the ring, pushing the crab out to the sides to create a well. Chop the jelly into small cubes and place in to the well, then just top a little more crab over so that the jelly will be covered and in the centre of the mix. Position the mould in the middle of the beetroot flower and carefully lift of the ring.
Dip the prawns in  the Tempura batter and fry at 180c in a deep fat fryer for 2 minutes. Whilst these are cooking, dress the salad and arrange on top of the crab. Arrange the cooked prawns on either side of the crab. Serve